Mittwoch, 23. April 2014

It´s getting close to the end :(

English with Dolan

Spirit week

Frozen yoghurts after track

Reno Aces baseball game

Sprained my ankle in track

Best team

Varsity boys

Easter food

Eating off the table without utensils

Jordan, me, Micaela, Jonee, Savannah

418 Game night

Layla, Marisol, Chirs, Jonee, me

English class

Overalls for 90´s day with Micaella

Photobombed by Noah

Twins with Alyssa

Bike ride on the coast

Fort Bragg with Hannah, Mary and Priscilla



History class with Alex

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

Valentinesday and senior night

I have the best friends, hostfamily and coaches in the world !

Bored in the car

At the bighorns basketballgame with jonee

Jonee and Zach

Valentines presents from my hostparents for priscilla and me

Flowers for valentinesday

Red polo day

valentinesday presents from Holly, Megan and pastor Liana

Feeling loved

Pancake breakfast

Things people wrote on my poster from senior night

Samstag, 1. Februar 2014

The second semester has started

Had to learn them for christian studies


New dress

High heels for winterball

Having a sub in geometry

Winterball decorations

Peppermint paradise

My dress

package from my friends <3

Ziek is crawling

German bread

He can even stand

Winterball with Madi, Jonee, Mary, Ashland, and Megan

Gameday- Micaela, Stephanie, me, Savannah, Ashland, Holly

What are you eating miss Kaylin i want to have it too

Only 2 weeks left with this beauty :´(

Sean abusing our decorations :D

Taking pictures at the ball with Megan

He is getting curly hair